Hi! We’re continuing our chat on obesity awareness month, let’s learn more on how we can let's all work together to change the conversation regarding obesity
Childhood Obesity can and must be prevented
Childhood obesity rates have nearly doubled every 10 years.
It can profoundly affect children's’ physical health, social and emotional well-being, and self esteem.
It is associated with poor academic performance and a lower quality of life. It is often carried into adulthood, so prevention and treatment are vital to stopping a global rise in obesity.
Nutrition, physical activity and healthcare all play a role.
Individuals are not to blame for their obesity
Obesity is often driven by forces outside of a person’s control.
This includes biological, genetic and environmental factors.
A person’s biology and genes can put them at greater risk.
Our physical environment can impact our access to healthy food, suitable medical care and opportunities for a healthy, active life.
Our environment can also affect our mental and emotional health, which in turn impact obesity.