It's World Blood Donor Day!

It's World Blood Donor Day!

It's a vein-tastic day to make a difference in someone’s life!

Donate a blood today this World Blood Donor Day and feel the “pulse-itive” experience of giving many lives a “hemorrhaging” hope.

Blood donors' criteria in order to donate

  • They must be healthy and free from any contagious diseases

  • Must not have engaged in any high-risk activities within the past 12 months.

The process of giving blood generally takes about an hour and involves a physical exam, blood tests, and a few questions about your medical history.

Benefits of donating blood

  • Helping save lives

  • Reduce the cost of health care

  • Providing an opportunity to help those in need.

  • Reducing the risk of heart disease

  • Reducing the risk of cancer

  • Improving the overall quality of the donor's blood.

Get “pumped” to become a blood donor! Make sure you get “bloody” serious about becoming a donor today!

Treat yourself with an adorable plushie with the Nerdbugs Heart Plushie Organ.

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