Teaching ADHD with Nerdbug Neurons with Dr. Nerissa Bauer

Teaching ADHD with Nerdbug Neurons with Dr. Nerissa Bauer

Say hi to the incredible Dr. Nerissa Bauer, aka @letstalkkidshealth! Based in Carmel, Indiana, she's not just your everyday doctor – she's a rockstar behavioral pediatrician and a budding entrepreneur to boot.

After a bout of burnout, she waved goodbye to academia in December 2018 and embraced her path. Behold her part-time gig: working wonders in the world of behavioral health.

Neuron Plush Organ Toys

Oh, but she doesn't stop there! Dr. Nerissa is a true dynamo. She's the genius behind TEACH ME ADHD, an online course that's changing families' lives. And guess what? She's the captivating host of the Let’s Talk Kids Health LIVE show. Yup, it's all about the ins and outs of behavioral health and parenting – couldn't get cooler than that!

Hold onto your hats, folks, because that's not all. She's the big cheese at Let’s Talk Kids Health, LLC, and even carries the badge of honor as a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics.

And the plushies? Oh, she's turned 'em into learning tools! Meet Neuron and Brain, the dynamic duo helping Dr. Nerissa teach all about ADHD. It's like a cute and cuddly way to show off the sheer awesomeness of our brains!

So, let's give it up for Dr. Nerissa Bauer – she's showing us how brains and brilliance go hand in hand!

Neuron Plush Organ Toys

Tell someone "Neuron always on my mind" with Nerdbugs Neuron (Brain Cell) Organ Plushie!

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